XML Marker

XML Marker

Symbol Click Software
Version 2.2
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0.62 MB
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En XML-redigerare som visar hierarkiska och tabell XML-data

XML Marker is the software that you need to see the hierarchical and tabular nature of your XML data. Synchronized table-tree-and-text display is what makes this possible.
XML Marker produces a tabular display of any selected tag, collects repeating attributes and tag names and then takes that information and puts it into easy to read columns. XML Marker uses your memory and CPU very efficiently so that you can continue to navigate through very large XML files quickly. Drill down as deep as you want in the information and get the data that matters to you and your applications in this easy to use software.

Astro säger:

  • Inkluderar många verktyg för att redigera kodek
  • Möjöighet att konvertera data till kalkylblad
  • Kräver vissa förkunskaper i markup-program
XML Marker
XML Marker
Symbol Click Software
Version 2.2
Gratis prövotid
0.62 MB
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