Blur for Firefox

Blur for Firefox

Version 0.1855787037037037
1.70 MB
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Håll dina personuppgifter borta från försäljare och hackare

Blur gives you the opportunity to have better protection of your personal information online. You can use it to create strong, encrypted passwords quickly and easily. While it stores them, saves them, and even shares them across all of your devices, you need not worry about anyone gauining access to them. Your payments will also be more secure as you will no longer have to give out your credit card information online. Instead, your card will be charged as Abine, Inc. as the transactions are processed using the app’s information rather than your own.

Not only are your passwords and financial information protected, but so too is your privacy. You can stop companies from monitoring your online activity and improve upon private browsing and block tracking. The add-on gets feedback from users daily, so it is always up to date on the latest threats. It can also stop sites from tracking your activity and movement, which some of them can do even when you aren’t online. Most of these features are available for free, but credit card masking and premium support, as well as masked phone numbers, require the premium plan, which costs just $2-$5 a month. Support is available via live chat and [email protected].

Blur for Firefox
Blur for Firefox
Version 0.1855787037037037
1.70 MB
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