Easy Icon Maker

Easy Icon Maker

Version 5.02
Gratis prövotid
0.74 MB
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Redaktörens val: Easy Icon Maker 5.02

This lovable and compact software program will make your icon creating life easier. Having Photoshop, or any other advanced software program for that matter, already installed and mastered makes Easy Icon Maker quite redundant. But if you’re average users who suddenly need to create icons, or if you want a quick and light software program to get this specific job done for you, you’ll probably enjoy Easy Icon Maker.

Redigeringar och anpassar skrivbordsikoner

Are you in need of an easy to use icon maker, editor, extractor and searching tool that is available as one piece of software? Easy Icon Maker can do all of this for you with ease – that’s what it was made for!
Easy Icon Maker will let you edit your icons in either transparent or opaque configurations. You can edit them in 16 x 16, 32 x 32, 48 x 48 and 64 x 64 size, or you can customize a size that works perfectly for you. You can edit your own icons or extract icons from DLL or XE files, or even import them from BMP, JPG or GIF formats that can then be saved into an icon format.

Astro säger:

  • En mängd olika verktyg och funktioner
  • Går att ta skärmdumpar
  • Stöder inte symbolbibliotek
Easy Icon Maker
Easy Icon Maker
Version 5.02
Gratis prövotid
0.74 MB
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