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Say NO to annoying internet surveillance and just use FrootVPN.

If you care to avail a free VPN service that effectively and anonymously routes your entire network traffic, choose FrootVPN. The tool does this via its reliable and advanced servers situated in Stockholm, Sweden. Additionally, its mechanisms are significantly different from other well-known services such as Tor, in which network bandwidth is shared among many users in a random manner.
FrootVPN’s site claims that user traffic is completely anonymous as well as censor free. Furthermore, no user information – no matter how small it is – is saved or copied to the servers. Likewise, here are some claims made by the service providers:
• FrootVPN’s manufacturers insist that it provide users with complete anonymity allowing them to bypass the toughest of firewalls without any hassle.
• The service providers claim it hides the users’ original IP address.
• All of the data sent and received by the users is encrypted. This means you can enjoy your surfing free, not having to worry about decryption/encryption.
• The tool lets you enjoy a very fast speed, i.e. a 10 Gigabit backbone with no limits.
• The tool doesn’t collect any logs, giving you another reason to eliminate your privacy concerns.
• There are three main protocols supported by the tool, i.e.
 L2TP protocol, associated with 168 bit key encryption
 PPTP protocol, associated with 128 bit key encryption
 OpenVPN protocol, associated with 256 bit key encryption along with 2048 bit key certificate
FrootVPN supports the Android, Iphone, Ipad, Linux, Windows and Mac platforms. As such, if you need further information on the tool, feel free to visit the site

Version 0.08541666666666665
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28.00 MB
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