Version 3.5.1
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A low cost VPN service that delivers exceptional experience

One of the biggest names in the VPN world, ibVPN, surprisingly offers a great service for an extremely low price. There are loads of good features available to users, while the speed of the VPN is spot on. However, the frequency (at times) can slow your internet connection to unusable speeds, which is unfortunate.
There are three package options available, which include:
1. Premium VPN Package
2. Multi VPN Package
3. DNS Package
Each package has its own different flavors, giving users the opportunity to find the one that best suit their needs. Nevertheless, all packages offer four connections options including, SSTP, PPTP, L2TP, and OpenVPN. There is also a 6-hour free trial available. Although, the time offered is short, it should be enough to try the service.
When it comes to privacy, you will be happy to know there are no logs kept of user activity. However, connection logs are a standard practice with ibVPN and lasts for about 10 days.
Although, ibVPN has more than 2,000+ IPs available, most of them are dynamic IPs, which is not good at all! Since the IPs will be shared, several users will be sharing the same IP address simultaneously.
The registration process is simple and only requires a minimal amount of information. Additionally, IbVPN can be easily set up on OSX and Windows, made easier by the excellent tutorials available on their site.
Considering the price of the service, ibVPN’s offerings are overall commendable

Version 3.5.1
Gratis prövotid
12.00 MB
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