Print Screen Deluxe

Print Screen Deluxe

American Systems
Version 7.0
Gratis prövotid
2.96 MB
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En skärmdump programvara för att fånga skärmbilder

For an easy way to capture, print and save your screen images, all with the push of one button, try Print Screen Deluxe on your PC. Just that one button push is all that you need to capture what is on your screen for saving for later, on for printing off right away.
Print Screen Deluxe is an updated version with a better user interface, a better print window, a new ability to take photos from digital cameras and scanners – even add arrows, comments and highlights to the image. You can even use a time delay function to move elements where you need to on screen while you wait for the photo to happen!

Astro säger:

  • Det går att fånga och redigera text
  • Bläddring gör att skärmdumpar av osynliga avsnitt visas
  • Bra urval av funktioner för att redigera skärmdumpar
  • Oattraktivt gränssnitt
Print Screen Deluxe
Print Screen Deluxe
American Systems
Version 7.0
Gratis prövotid
2.96 MB
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