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The VPN offers modest service for a modest price

A Moldovan-based VPN company, Kepard offers a decent service at a reasonable price tag. However, thanks to some great custom software, it stands out among other VPN providers. You will also find the 15-day free trial particularly useful, as it gives ample amount of time to use and assess the VPN service.
Kepard offers only one premium package, but it gives you unlimited access to servers in the Netherlands, Germany, Canada, United States, and United Kingdom. You also have three connection options to choose from, namely PPTP, L2TP, and Open VPN.
There are no restrictions to data usage or traffic speeds, and it supports simultaneous connectivity, allowing you to connect up to two devices at the same time. Windows and Android clients will be able to take advantage of a 15-day free trial, but others will have to make do with the half an hour (per day) trial service.
When it comes to customer support, it is only provided through a ticket-based email system, which provides helpful answers. You can also visit their website, but it contains limited information about the company’s services.
On the privacy front, logs are kept for only three days, where minor details such as your email address and real IP address are recorded. However, it should not be a major problem. As far as encryption is concerned, Kepard offers a 256-bit encryption, which is great.
All in all, there is nothing to hate about Kepard! So, if you are looking for an affordable VPN service, Kepard is the VPN you need!

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